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 What makes uNu products so special?

A: The reason uNu products are so special is that we adhere to making only the finest quality products for our customers using our theory of uNu-ology. By combining quality, reliability, and innovative design, we have quickly become a leader in the mobile industry. With all our products designed with you in mind, uNu is your most reliable power source. 


Why do I need a uNu battery case?

A: Battery cases serve a couple different purposes. One, they keep you and your phone going through a energy-demanding world. With a battery case, you don’t have to worry about missing that important phone call, responding to that great comment on facebook, or missing that once in a lifetime photo. Two, battery cases help protect your phone. Bumps, scratches, and dings are no longer a concern when your phone is securely tucked within a protective shield. Three, uNu battery cases are designed to be attractive and aesthetically pleasing. Enjoy the looks of your battery case while getting the energy and protection you need!


How do I receive updates from uNu on new deals, products, and company news?

A: Great question! Just login with your email address and name, and you’ll be on your way to great savings and up-to-date company info!


 Does uNu carry any iPhone 5 products?

A: We sure do! Check out the link to see our new DX-5 battery case for iPhone 5.


Does uNu carry any Samsung Products?

A: Yes we do! You can check out our made for Samsung Products or our uNu-versal Enerpaks!


 Where can I find manuals for my product?

A: We are currently working on making all of our manuals available on the website. We are expecting to have them all up and posted by April 1st, 2013.  Until then, please contact and we will gladly assist you.


 Will the uNu battery case for a previous iPhone versions work with the most recent versions?

A: All of our battery cases are made for specific products. The only exceptions to this rule is our iPhone 3G products will work withiPhone 3GS and iPhone 4 products will work with iPhone 4S. This is due to new specifications and continual changes in the physical form-factor of all the products we work to enhance.

 What is the best way of charging my uNu battery case or battery pack?

A: While there are dozens of tips on how to correctly charge and maintain any battery, the most important advice can be found on our blog “How to Maximize My Battery Life”. 


How often do I need to charge my uNu batteries?

A: We recommend that you charge your batteries once they drop to 20% capacity remaining. This reduces strain on the battery from over depletion. If the battery is not being used frequently, charging the battery every 3 months keeps the battery from degrading.


Can I charge the battery case and iPhone together?

A: Yes, you can! You have the option of either charging the case and phone separately or together. You can even charge more products at the same time with the Enerpak Vault 


What are the benefits of switching the battery case to stand-by mode?

A: The stand-by mode feature serves a very important purpose. When your iPhone is fully charged, we highly recommend turning the battery case to stand-by mode. This greatly reduces charging stress on the iPhone and helps maintain its battery life. When the iPhone battery begins to get low, simply turn the battery case back on. 

How can I tell if my battery case is turned ON and charging my iPhone?

A: Probably the easiest way to determine if your battery case is turned ON and charging your iPhone is by looking at the iPhone screen. On the top left corner you should see either a “lightning bolt” or a “wall plug” symbol. Usually if you do not see one of these symbols you have to hold the power button down for a couple seconds to begin charging.

Can I sync my iPhone while the battery case is installed?

A: All uNu products support charge and sync-through technology. You do not need to remove the case to sync your iPhone to a computer.

My uNu battery isn't charging?

A: Please refer to the FAQ section of the specific product you are having trouble with. Scroll to the top of the page to see links for specific products.


Can I use my electronic device while it is charging through the battery?

A: The simple answer is yes, you can. However, we strongly recommend trying to avoid using the phone since charging and using the phone at the same time can cause unnecessary strain on the iPhone battery.


Why am I not getting a full charge from my uNu battery case?

Every user is different when it comes to iPhone usage. Power-demanding users will generally experience a slightly less amount of power being recharged into the battery due to power conversion loss while the battery case is re-charging the iPhone


What is the difference between a 2.1A and 1.0A charging port on my Enerpak?

A: These are semi-technical terms which refer to Amps. 2.1 ports are generally used to power larger electronics like tablets. The 1.0 ports are used to charge smaller products like phones, and MP3’s.


Can uNu products be used internationally?

A: They sure can! Just make sure to be using the proper voltage adapters with uNu products to safeguard against an accident. Please refer to your user manual or our specific product spec-sheet on the website to determine the proper voltage.


Where can I purchase a uNu device?

A: The best two places to purchase uNu devices are on and Amazon.


What is the difference between buying a case directly from uNu versus Amazon?

A: uNu has partnered with Amazon to give you the best shopping experience possible. On Amazon you can compare our products to others and also enjoy a trusted brand name when purchasing. The myuNu website offers up-to-date info and also deeper discounts at times. We encourage you to investigate our products on both websites to find the deal that is right for you.

Is uNu on any social media platforms?

A: Yes we are and we encourage people like you to join! Social media followers have chances at free stuff, sepcial deals, up to the minute info, and also an extra way to contact us. We currently are on facebooktwitteryoutubepinterest, and working on google+, and linkedIn.


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